Every year I look forward to winter, but when it arrives I hate it! Getting up in the dark is the worst. But I do know winter can also be a time of revitalization, and I just need to remind myself why I love it. So here are reasons to love winter…
1. Cuddling!
2. Lighting a fire (Love our fireplace!).

3. Walks in the park, enjoying the autumn leaves and the fresh air.
4. Walks on the beach, with the waves crashing.
5. Baking!
6. Soups, stews and lovely warm meals.
7. Wearing boots and scarves!
8. Lots of bubble baths.
10. Staying indoors, spending quality time with those I love <3
Images from We Heart It
love winter, it's the perfect excuse to wear boots, colourful stockings and to overdose on hot chocolate!